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Fri, Oct 16


Zoom Online Event

Inanna's Daughters Online Charity

Charity event on-line to SAVE CHILDREN KAWLEYA FROM IRAQ! 16/17/18 October 2020 on-line

Registration Closed - La registrazione è stata chiusa
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Inanna's Daughters Online Charity
Inanna's Daughters Online Charity

Time & Location

Oct 16, 2020, 7:00 PM GMT+2 – Oct 18, 2020, 9:30 PM GMT+2

Zoom Online Event

About the Event



Goal of our Charity: Our goal is to support the Iraqi Kawliya children with their education. An education which will provide them with the means for a better future as Romani Children in Iraq, and will make them strong to face discrimination and racism.

The current situation at the village: Due to the corona virus pandemic their village is now even more isolated than before, hence these people have no support from any one.

Luckily, our partner in this project in Iraq is the lawyer, journalist and humanitarian activist Manar Al zubaidi, who works since several years to ensure that these people will get their rights in Iraq!

Our Prices: We agreed as teachers to keep our prices low so that we, in turn, provide our support to the Iraqi Romani Kawliya children, and also supporting the education of the dancers participating in this program and who will want support us in our effort with this charity.

The total price for ALL the classes with the International Teachers of this online program will be 35 Euros (this price is the total final price including any paypal fees!) and each class duration will be 90 Minutes.

We really hope that dancers and people will embrace our online charity and will support us in turn with any possible means. Any donation from you will be more than welcome!

Our online classes: We have chosen different unique dance themes for you. Please check our program for details.


Dear dancers, thank you for taking time to read about our charity! Now please share the above information and spread it to the word ! Please support the Iraqi Romani kids and their village!

Many thanks in advance to the wonderful teachers and to each and everyone of you who will support us in our effort!


ONLY 35 Euro for all classes!


Payment method; PayPal address will be sent to You once you have completed the registration with:


FRIDAY 16th of OCTOBER 2020

h 19:00-20:30 (Paris, Rome Time zone)


Techniques and choreography (2:55minutes).



Lecture and learning Tunisian steps and rhythms


Lecture, The Amazigh dances and Chaoui dance

SUNDAY 18th of OCTOBER 2020

18:00-19:30 (Paris, Rome Time zone) JILLINA – SHARQI A LA JILLINA

Raks Sharqi in Jillina’s unique style. Choreography


Raqs el Kawliya and Raks El Khashaba, Lecture and techniques



The Maghreb is the region of North Africa which includes Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. Since the 1989 formation of the Arab Maghreb Union, Mauritania and the disputed territory of Western Sahara (mostly controlled by Morocco) were included. During the Al-Andalus era in Spain (from the 8th inhabitants, Maghrebis, the Maghreb were known as “Moors.

Amazigh Berber Dances:

The dance is both a public and a personal expression, rich in symbolic dimensions that deal with universal constants in nature, fertility of Mother Earth and the communication between the earthly and the divine. In Amazigh regions women’s singing accompanies any kind of work, such as the harvest. Festivals provide the opportunity to see dances as a Unity. Traditional Amazigh dances are mostly ritual dances. Originally, they were a magical act, in order to obtain the fertility of Mother Earth or to ask for the rain in case of drought. The worshiping of a divinity or a spirit of nature was used in order to gain its protection.

Andalusian Court Dances: 

The Andalusian city dances in the Maghreb originate from Arab-Andalusian traditions of well-respected families in ancient cities, such as Fes, Rabat, Meknes, Tetouan, Tlemcen, Constantine, Algiers, Tunis, Sousse They also have a Turkish element, especially in Tunisia and Algeria. Women perform them at various festivities, often with scarves in their hands.


Sharqi ala Jillina

Raks Shari in Jillina’s unique style. This choreography is full of exciting steps beautifully blended with expression and technique.

Move to various tempos and explore the rich instrumentation, This is a unique choreography to add to your vocabulary.


Raqs El Kawliya

There are few theories that try to explain the origins of the so-called El Kawliya. Most of these theories are not proven yet.

In our theory’s part, we will study some of these theories in addition to the history, social and political background of this group in Iraq.

This dance is of the oldest dances in Iraq. It is a dance that filled with a wide range of emotions which range from power and passion to joy and harmony. The rich emotions that are expressed are the fundamentals of Iraqi songs’ and dances’ heritage of the people.

Kawliya’s Dance Workshops cover:

-brief explanation of the roots, history, and character of the  El Kawiya’s Dance,

-basic technique of these style,foot works, shimmies, turns, spinning variety of head and hair, improvisation

We will learn how to command our body and our energy to make our dance look fluid, but still powerful and fiery

Raqs El Khashaba

It is an Iraqi dance style that belongs to Basra city dance culture, in the south of Iraq. This dance was born with the music and songs of Basra’s seamen and ship makers. Over time this music and dance style spread in Basra city, and many music and dance companies came to life. Both men and women dance the khashaba, but in a different way. The khashab music repertoire goes beyond Iraqi songs; it also includes a lot of Egyptian songs, like the songs of Umm Kolthoum, as well as other famous Arabic singers’ work.

These well-known Arabic songs affected the dance style of the khashaba and enrich it with lot of oriental dance moves. These oriental dance moves should be adopted and melted in a perfect way for the khashaba dance style spirit and personality. Oriental dancers will enjoy Raqs el Khashaba a lot, as it will help them to understand how the same dance moves can be so different when we integrate them in the khashaba dance.

We will learn

-Classic basic kahasba dance moves; jumps, walk, turn, shimmies and some oriental dance influences on the khashaba


Traditional dances of Tunisia

Teacher Maryem Bent Anis presents, for the prestigious project “Inanna’s Daughter Charity” by Assala Ibrahim, the traditional dances of Tunisia, with all her love for her maternal land.

Tunisian dances are completely different from Egyptian and Middle Eastern dances, their roots come from the ancestral tradition from Bedouin and berber tribù from North Africa’s Sahara.

We will do a voyage between the ancient history of Tunisian from Phoenicians and Carthaginians to the present day.

To understand the dance , before we have to understand the cultural environment and historical influences of Mediterranean invasions and after this we can dance.

The class will include double sessions: 1 cultural lecture and 1 dance class with dance steps practise.

About dance steps practise we will study the basic steps of Tunisian dance and their application on tunisian traditional rhythms. Prepare to work hard and to sweat!

This class will transport you among the beauties, sounds, and atmospheres of exotic Tunisia, a paradise nestled between  Sahara Desert and the Mediterranean sea. Where history smells of Carthage, Ancient Rome and Ancient Turkey. All surrounded by the ancestral tradition of Bedouin and Berber tribes culture and their camels, always traveling in the desert dunes.


Veil Lovers

Dancing with the veil will add beauty and magic to your dance

Technique and choreography (2:55minutes).

We are going to work on turns, hip technique, and musical interpretation!


  • Inanna's Pass - DONATION

    16 - 17 - 18 October 2020 - Inanna's Daughters Online Charity AMEL TAFSOUT - JILLINA CARLANO - ASSALA IBRAHIM - ESMERALDA COLABONE - MARYEM BENT ANIS . We have chosen different unique dance themes for you. All our online classes are scheduled according to Paris time zone and Live via ZOOM. Please check our program for details.

    Sale ended



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